Welcome to the Vincon 2025 Cosplay Contest! Every year is a new contest so be sure to brush up on all the rules before your submission. Happy cosplay!

DATE: Saturday March 1st
PRE-JUDGING: 1:30PM – 3:30PM
Please only enter if at least part of your cosplay was handcrafted. If you did not personally create your cosplay, let us know who did so we can give them proper credit! You may be disqualified if it is discovered your cosplay is store bought or pre-made in any other way undisclosed. We want to be fair to the contestants who have worked so hard creating their own cosplays! Child cosplays may disregard this rule.
- Cosplay character restrictions have been lifted this year!
- 50 walk-on slots are available.
- Participants may enter as groups but group participants may not also enter as solo.
- You may have a max of 4 people in a group.
- Slots are first come first serve so register online to secure your placement! On sight entry will be granted if space allows.
- Audio submissions are now allowed and must be submitted online
- Audio submissions can be no longer than 45 seconds and are restricted to PG rated.
- You must check in Saturday between 1:30PM and 3:30PM for pre-judging to avoid docking of points.
If the judges believe a contestant has entered the wrong category, that contestant will be moved to the more appropriate category.
- Advanced: Competed in other contests before OR majority of cosplay is handcrafted.
- Casuals: New to competing OR majority of cosplay is NOT hand crafted.
- Kids: Entries age 10 and under.
Real weapons are not allowed under any circumstances! All prop weapons must be approved and marked at the door and adhere to the guidelines listed below. The Vincon staff reserves the right to confiscate any prop being used to harm another attendee or damage property.
- Gun props must be capped with orange tips.
- Airsoft and paintball guns are not allowed.
- Metal weapon props are not allowed.
- Wooden weapon props longer or wider than 12″ must be coated in foam.
- Bows must be unstrung at all times and arrow tips must be dull.
Awards will be announced closer to the event and will be based on the number of contestants that enter.
Follow the link below and fill out your application to enter the Vincon 2025 Cosplay Contest! The deadline for online registration is Feb 28th, but you can register in person on Saturday March 1st if you miss it. Don’t forget to press “SEND” when you’re finished! Thank you for entering!
Wezrez Cosplay is an award-winning cosplayer who specializes in cosplay craftsmanship and education. From armor designs to gowns, she has demonstrated a mastery of many techniques since starting her cosplay journey in 2012. Her work has culminated in several cosplay awards won across the country.
Winged Kon is an award winning LGBTQ+ cosplayer with over 5 years of experience. They focus primarily on the crafting aspect of cosplay, not limiting themselves to medium, size, or the laws of physics. Kon aims to bring even the most ridiculous and unrealistic designs to life, from any type of media they can get their hands on. Winged Kon aims to spread the joy and wonder of cosplay wherever they go.
Undeadtoasty a.k.a Rouxan (they/he) has been cosplaying since 2013 and judging cosplay competitions since 2017. They have a degree in costume construction for theatre and many years of sewing for Halloween with their family. They have won nine costuming awards with their three most recent wins being Best in Show! Their specialty is weathering and storytelling through costume detailing, but dabbles in as many areas of costume construction as possible. They love getting to be on the judging side of contests just as much as the competitor side. If you need a hype-man to ease your pre-judging or stage nerves, Rouxan is your person and is stoked that you are here and participating in this amazing craft!
Stitched in Starlight started cosplaying with her partner in 2016. She learned to crochet in 2015, and in 2017 she decided to meld the two passions together. Since then, crochet cosplay has become their signature, and every cosplay has at least one crocheted piece incorporated within it. They are now a Masters-level cosplayer and compete with yarn as a primary medium. Stitched in Starlight is a plus-size, neurodivergent, queer cosplayer who advocates strongly for cosplay as a form of self-expression. She treasures the friends she has made and the skills she has learned throughout her cosplay journey.