Swap meets at Vincon are always packed with great deals on games and consoles, and this year will be no different! The swap meets will run from 3PM-5PM on both Saturday and Sunday and table reservations are required! Sellers can purchase space on the Exhibitors page, and members of both Classic Gamers of Colorado (CGC) and Denver Retro Gamers (DRG) are invited to attend at discounted rates. Join their Facebook groups to find out how and get connected to the community!
*The Vincon staff and swap meet hosts reserve the right to deny any trade items or propaganda material deemed inappropriate or unacceptable for any reason.

CGC hosts regular meet-ups, online giveaways, and in-person swap meets where you can buy, sell and trade with other members while also getting to know them. This is a group for gamers passionate about all generations of gaming and and they even have the occasional gaming themed party among other events!

DRG is one of the largest retro gaming communities in Colorado and holds regular events in the Denver metro area. They pride themselves on being knowledgeable collectors and passionate gamers so their Facebook page is a great place to discuss all things gaming and any cool scores you find out there in the wild!